Friday, February 24, 2012

Free Insurance

On Valentine’s Day this year Jonah Goldberg commented on Obama’s administration forcing religious employers to provide coverage for preventive services. Jonah Golberg is a major journalist all over the country. He is a young conservative, who writes on a wide spectrum of topics from economic trends to pop culture. He has appeared on multiple television and radio shows. He is a member of the USA Today Board of Contributors. In 2001 he received the award for Lowell Thomas Award.  “Free Healthcare? That’s Rich” is spoken towards all public people about Obamacare, specifically on how our government is slowly but surely going to take our Freedoms and Rights to choose, as they are making the decisions for us. The argument made in this article is that we need to start paying more attention to what is actually happening and being done in our country as a whole.  Obamacare is a law that was signed by President Obama on March 23, 2010 and is also known as Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Obamacare is about providing more and better healthcare for everyone. With these new rules it’s basically telling these religious employers if you don’t want to provide this for your workers then cut out the insurance you provide as a whole, which goes against Obamacare to the fullest. Jonah refers back to what Presidential contender Rick Santorum says "It's about economic liberty. It's about freedom of speech. It's about freedom of religion. It's about government control of your lives. And it's got to stop!" Rick Santorum is our Republican presidential candidate and has had 16 years in Congress. Rick sounds like a man who wants equality across the board and that government laws should maintain that.
I think I was a little confused with this article not about what he was trying to convey but of whom he wanted us to be afraid of. He mentions Obamacare and then in the end Rick Santorum. I think his main focus should have been on the problem at hand; whether the law for all establishments should cover birth control” for everyone or if these establishments should be able to make that choice on their own. I think establishments should have their own say on whether or not they provide free of charge to their employers. People should know going in whether their place of work will cover the expenses or not.

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