Wednesday, April 11, 2012

No Child Left Behind

I came across a blog about the "No Child Left Behind" law that was passed by George W. Bush about ten years ago. I am  not really sure what to make out of this blog. It states there is an article yet I don't find any information on how to get to the article that was read and it doesn't mention any title of the article itself. People don't necessarily need to read an article to know about the law that was passed or how it is going to affect our children.  I do, however, know about this law and understand the standards that are being placed in schools. I feel that this is a great thing because children can be filled with so much knowledge at a young age that it will make a difference in our world tomorrow. The states that are being granted flexibility is because these states have com up with a different way to measure children rather that tests alone. President Obama wants our children to reach their full potential and what better way to figure that out than by asking our parents, teachers, and kids themselves.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Education has been a very important tool to the success of people of every race, gender, and age. Now more than ever we need the help from the government to help financially to obtain goals such as earning these degrees to be able to have a successful career to be able to support ourselves and loved ones.
I feel our government is not doing what they could be or should be doing to help our economy get the boost it needs. If more people were able to afford to go or get help from the government to be able to attend college or a trade school they would be able to get a career and help out the economy in the long haul. There are so many people who long for the chance to receive an education, to make a better life for ourselves and families. Yet, we have limited resources to find help or even receive help. Stated in College Inc. in a blog titled “Hispanics are crucial to college completion goals” it says that the American economy will not prosper unless we do, speaking for the minority.
Like the many other minorities I was the first in my family to be able to go and complete college, and along with that came expenses and worries of how to pay for them. Although I was able to find some help, most students don’t know what resources are available to them, and we don’t do a good job of telling them where they can go for help. Obama wants us to be the leader as a nation with the most percentage of people with a degree but how can we do that when we are limited to funds and resources available?